SARATOGA SPRINGS The Saratoga Automobile Museum command present an exhibition of photographs showcasing the events depicted in the recent Ron Howard motion picture, Flash, which told the piece of the rivalry between two Formula One racing drivers of that era -- the Englishman James Quest and the Austrian Niki Lauda. The images in Flash: Photographs by Frank Whitney, on view from June 14-November 2, command be familiar to anyone whos seen the motion picture.
The photographs were taken in 1975 and 1976 at the Canadian Great Prix at Mosport Square in Ontario, Canada and at the U.S. Great Prix at Watkins Glen in central New York State in September and October of those two years respectively. The photo of Lauda crossing the finish line at Watkins Glen shows the elation of his pit crew it was the original time that Ferrari had won the United States Great Prix and the original time that a driver who won the USGP moreover won the World Drivers Championship for that year, so its a photograph of an historic moment in auto racing description.
Supplementary photographs in the exhibition parade the starting grid from the 1975 USGP with James Quest seated in his Hesketh 308 and Niki Lauda in the pits at Mosport in 1976 a the minority months taking into account his near-fatal accident in Germany. There are moreover pictures from 1976 which parade Lauda in his Ferrari chief Quest at Mosport, who was by then driving a McLaren, and an added which shows Quest having passed Lauda on the sense to winning the compete, resulting in Quest receiving the winners trophy.
These photos were shot using the imaging technology of the day of the week the relatively fast sheet is responsible for the grainy nature of the images which contribute to the time seem to be of the pictures. Todays recent F1 cars incorporate hybrid technology to power the cars and recent digital imaging technology renders clean, high-pitched photos these pictures from 19751976 reflect a by-gone era when the racing was wholesome and the photographs had a longing feel, a quality that be able to just be simulated with todays software since those films and materials no longer be existent.
More or less the Photographer
FRANK WHITNEY began his professional career in 1977, when he joined The Image Set (TIB), the original elite film agency to promote the work of the Worlds best and for the most part famous photographers to the top advertising agencies and publishing firms around the earth. During his quarter-century with The Image Set, Whitney produced images that were sold worldwide through TIBs many of dozens of offices in the major international business capitals. Clients who have used Frank Whitneys work bring in IBM, the US Postal Service, United Technologies, ActifedSudafed, Smithsonian, National Geographic, Michelin, Southwest Airlines, Kodak, American Explicit, Mercedes-Benz, Rand McNally, RAYOVAC Batteries, Westinghouse, US News, Lucas Aerospace, Fleet Galaxy Funds, Peak, and NEC. His images have moreover appeared in countless magazines, billboards, and product packaging.
Whiney remained with The Image Set in anticipation of it was absorbed into Getty Images as one of its many brands the emergence of Getty and many supplementary film agencies during the age of digital photography and digital delivery defunct the Golden Age of stock photography. Now semi-retired, Whitney currently lives in Albany, New York. In adjunct to editing and scanning 35 years significance of his own photography to be printed and sold in the Fine Painting promote, he serves as VP of The Zinn Arthur Hollywood Archive, which has holdings of approximately one million photographs taken by Mr. Arthur of 66 major motion pictures dating from the 1940s-1970s.

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