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Sunday 1 June 2014

New Ferrari Enzo for Sale

New Ferrari Enzo for Sale

Ferraris F12 Berlinetta is the latest in a lingering policy of 12-cylinder Ferrari models that reaches in the past to the 1940s. Strength of character Fiat Chrysler amend Ferraris winning (and profitable) formula? Source: Fiat Chrysler

On May 5, senior executives atFiat Chrysler Automobiles (NASDAQOTH: FIATY) washed-out a rotund daylight hours briefing analysts and media on the companys strategy for the next five years.

This is a substantial deal. Newly merged FCAs overall merchandise portfolio is currently a messy mash-up, with many areas of overlap -- and several important market segments where the company has no clear-cut offerings at present.

This plan is CEO Sergio Marchionnes way map for changing that. If its successful. FCA strength of character be transformed addicted to a thriving, competitive, substantially further profitable overall automaker.

Except thats a substantial if. The plan is ambitious and expensive, and FCA is not exactly rolling in cash at the flash. There are reasons to be optimistic, though, starting with this: Marchionneslastfive-year plan was moreover seen as overly ambitious -- except Fiat and Chrysler by and large delivered on its goals.

I recentlyoutlined the totality planand summed up how it strength of character move apiece of FCAs brands. While then, Ive been untaken addicted to further detail on FCAs strategy for apiece of its brands, captivating a closer look at the crop, strategies, and expansions that the company strategy to place in place over the next five years.

Very last week I talked roughly speaking FCAs strategy to take Jeep tonew markets around the planet, to finish Chrysler a mainstream American brand built around the all-new 200 sedan, and to emphasize high implementation at Dodge in an attempt to win younger buyers. Now were switching gears: In this video, I explain what FCA has in store for what is arguably the greatest automotive brand of each and every one -- Ferrari.

A transcript of the video is below.

OPEC is absolutely terrified of this game-changerImagine a company that rents a very specific and costly piece of machinery for $41,000... per hour (thats almost as a large amount as the average American makes in a time. And Warren Buffett is so confident in this companys cant-live-without-it commerce model, he just unfair up on 8.8million shares. An exclusive, brand-new Motley Fool report reveals the company were calling OPECs worst nightmare. Just click HERE to uncover the name of this industry-leading stock... and join Buffett in his quest for a veritable LANDSLIDE of profits

John Rosevear:Hey Fools, its John Rosevear, senior auto specialist for Very last week, the newly merged company that strength of character be called Fiat Chrysler Automobiles exposed its five-year plan. Its an fascinating, ambitious plan that -- if it facility -- strength of character take FCA, as were calling them, to 7 million sales a time by 2018. There are a lot of pitiful parts to this plan, and they washed-out a rotund daylight hours very last week untaken in it brand by brand.

Now, FCA owns a totality bunch of automotive brands, each and every one the long-standing Chrysler brands as well as Fiats brands, except at the top of the heap is what is arguably the greatest automotive brand of them each and every one, Ferrari. Ferrari founder Enzo Ferrari sold semi of the Ferrari company to Fiat in 1969, basically he was preparing to retire, though he was functioning with Ferraris racing team until his death in 1988. Taking into consideration he died, Fiat ended up with a 90% stake in Ferrari, so Fiat has control, except Fiat has essentially let Ferrari do its thing.

Ferrari sold 7,124 way cars in 2013, we say way cars because Ferrari moreover builds racing cars in small quantities, and it made 364 million euros in operating profit, pre-tax profit, with a 15.6% operating margin. Thats not fairly as good as Porsches 18% very last time, except its better than just roughly speaking every other brand in the overall auto commerce.

So with FCAs other brands weve seen substantial strategy to heighten sales around the planet with new models and pushes addicted to new markets and so forth. So whats the plan for Ferrari over the next five years?

Well, Ferraris untaken to launch a new model every time, theyre untaken to keep building what we think of as Ferraris -- high-end, high-performance cars with eight- and 12-cylinder engines... Theyll do periodic special models aimed at high-end customers, theyll keep roughly their personalization course, basically you know how to customize almost anything on a Ferrari that wont move safety or emissions, except they charge a totality lot of money for the privilege, and thats a nice source of profits for them.

Except sales arent untaken to go up: Ferrari sold roughly speaking 7,000 cars very last time and they plan to sell roughly speaking 7,000 cars in 2018, very. Ferrari has decided to cap its making in sort to save exclusivity.

Now, as the amount of high-net-worth population in the planet continues to expand, as there are further and further population in the Ferrari-buying wealth brackets in places like Collectibles and other markets that are still emerging, one imagines that want for Ferraris strength of character go up, if the supply remains fixed then its reasonable to guess that prices and profits strength of character go up, particularly as they push the further general customization options.

In the presentation very last week, FCAs CEO Sergio Marchionne said that Ferraris profit margins strength of character be, and I give a price of, in excess of 15% by 2018, except he didnt give a target. He did moreover say very clearly that Ferrari is not for sale. So, lingering story midstream, FCA may have substantial strategy for various of its other brands over the next only some years, except the plan is for Ferrari to keep doing what it has been doing. Thanks for watching.

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